crossbreeding certainly do not always get their blood 50% of the
parent, but rather depends on the force of the blood-owned parent male
or female. For that, needs to be done process of cross-breeding back so that obtained descendants in accordance with the desired. If
want to get the descent with level percentage respectively 50% of the
second its parent, marital cross-can be done several stages. If
from the first interbreeding produces a blend 75% of the male parent
and 25% of females, the male chicks that can dikawinsilangkan back with
another canary similar to the female parent.The
results of this cross is very visible in terms of the beauty and
uniqueness of the feather shape, whereas in terms of sound would require
more processing time is relatively long. Remember to know the sound quality and the ability to mimic other birds takes quite a long time. However, albino canary tend to be weaker when mated with another color. The resulting puppies tend to like the parent who is not albino. It
seems the colors plain tend to have powerful blood and when mated with
other colors there is a trend 75% as the parent is a solid color.How to maintain the results that you want it to? This has not been done among fans canary in Indonesia. If you have to get the male offspring of a cross have to do a cross as it did originally to get a similar female canaries. Blood agar both parents together and not turn back, at least we have dikawinsilangkan between five to seven times. When
you have obtained (puppies male and female), two canaries can be mated
to produce offspring that can hope accordance with its mother.If
it has been done many times and produce offspring that are the same,
meaning it can be said that the cross-breeding has produced a new kind. For
example: if you want to cross the throat black male with a female
yorkshire, preferably male chicks (of first cross) again mated with a
female yorkshire (not the parent). The result of crosses such (tillers females from crossbreeding second) mated back with black throat manly. So then repeated up to 5-7 times the cross-breeding.Expected
from the cross marriage can produce new types of walnuts, for example
blackken (descendants of black throat with canaries). This
cross-breeding canaries can be said to produce a new type when mated
with sesame blackken blackken will still produce blackken. To
avoid offspring tend to have bad temper, not to place inbreeding, such
as marriage between siblings or children with a biological parent.
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